World’s Top 10 : Cheap Countries to Visit

The good old days when sterling was king and your pound was guaranteed to net you $2 or 1.5 euro are long gone. So with the dollar and the euro flexing their financial muscle against sterling, it's becoming more and more difficult to find somewhere to visit on the cheap.

Some of the old holiday favourites - like France, Spain, Italy and the United States of America- are no longer on the map for the budget conscious traveller who is very much looking elsewhere. These days, countries outside the eurozone are increasingly popular destinations, as are some of the more unexpectedly cheaper holiday destinations. Read on to find our choice of cheap (or cheaper) countries that offer better value for money than some of the usual suspects. There are bargains to be had - you just have to get off the well beaten tourist path to find them.


The slide of the Mexican peso and favourable exchange with sterling has made Mexico a good option for the traveller. Flights to Cancun are cheaper than they've been for some time. Visitors can explore the Yucatan Peninsula and enjoy the exotic beaches, world-class snorkelling and scuba diving or opt to explore the remarkable Mayan ruins left behind by the last Mexican natives. Things are relatively cheap, even in the tourist areas, but if you stay in an area that is not one of the tourist hot spots, it will be cost you much less and give you a proper taste of local life.


Iceland has never been noted for its cheapness - until now. Financial meltdown of the country, which saw it effectively made bankrupt, has seen Iceland go from mega-expensive to affordable. Basics like food and hotels have near halved in price, which while still not considered exceptionally cheap when compared to other bargain destinations, is still a damn sight more affordable than it has been in years. For anyone wanting to check out the country's lava landscapes or bathe in natural hot springs such as the geothermal 'Blue Lagoon' - the time to do it is now.


Relative stability in currency markets between the pound and the Turkish lira have meant that Turkey remains a good cheap option, so much so that people are even using the likes of Istanbul for a weekend city break. Unlike shopping meccas like New York, you can still haggle yourself a shopping bargain in the Grand Bazaar or the antique district of Cukurcuma. While the cost of living has shot up in Turkey, being outside the euro zone means that prices are still low compared to the majority of Europe. And with experts predicting that hotel rates are going to rise in coming years because of continued popularity, there really isn't a better time to take advantage.

South Africa

South Africa is a good holiday destination for UK travellers looking to get a bit more for their pound. Depreciation in the value of the rand against sterling, as opposed to the falling value of the pound against the euro, makes a trip much more affordable to visitors. While flights might be relatively expensive, there are plenty of budget accommodation options combined with a low cost of living (a beer will cost you around £1), which make South Africa a good choice for the budget conscious. Try a budget safari break in the Kruger National Park, with tented accommodation being a good cheap option.


Bulgaria is one of the cheapest destinations in Europe, but that that could all be set to change. In preparation for the currency the 'lev' being ditched for the euro (which is tentatively planned for 2012), general prices have started to rise, but not enough to prevent you securing a bargain break. A good cost-effective option is a private villa or apartment. And don't forget that Bulgaria has plenty of budget options for those intended to hit the ski slopes, with Bansko being a great cheap ski destination - and that's before you've sampled the budget priced après ski. Simply put, visit Bulgaria now before it enters the eurozone.


The low-cost Egyptian pound makes Egypt one of the best value countries at present to the UK traveller. While previously for some, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Egypt is open to even the most budget conscious of travellers. Fine sandy beaches and some of the world's best historical sites make Egypt a hot destination in many more way than the excellent sunshine hours of summer. Don't forget that Egypt has some of the best scuba diving and snorkelling around and the likes of Sharm el Sheik is now one of the first places that people will take the plunge if they want to learn to scuba dive.


Another North African option, Tunisia enjoys fine sunshine which sees it as a popular spot for both winter and summer sun breaks. Accommodation and eating out are great value, making Tunisia a great choice for the budget traveller. Resort hotels around Hammamet, Sousse and Port el Kantaoui are good options, and provide opportunity for some bargain pampering spa sessions at a fraction of the price that you would normally expect. Another good destination is Monastir where you can delve into Tunisia's past (including the well preserved Ribat (fortress) used in Monty Python's Life of Brian, plus chilling out for free on the gorgeous beach.


Croatia still remains outside the eurozone, so is good value for money compared with the likes of France or Italy. The weakness of the Croatian kuna against the pound, makes it one of the cheapest destinations in Europe. If you are on a budget, there's no lack of cheap accommodation in Croatia, from campsites to private guest houses, while even the more up-market hotels still offer good deals. The easiest way to do this is to travel outside of the peak season (June to August) - instead travelling in April/ May or September/October, when you should still experience good weather but find room prices far cheaper.


British travellers to Thailand had been in for something of a shock in recent times as the pound lost almost a third of its value, meaning that the holiday hot spot was no longer the cheap option it has always been. The good news is the pound has recovered some of its strength against the Thai baht, and is likely to improve further, so that a visit will hopefully become cheaper and cheaper. Political unrest in the country has indirectly helped reduce demand for flights and holiday packages, and as a result, prices have fallen. For many, Bangkok is a must, and with plenty of flights to choose from, airfares are generally low.

World’s Top 10 : Worst Countries to Visit

Here we will be taking a look at the world’s worst and most dangerous countries.


You are surprised that Iraq is in the number 1 spot? Venture into the Sunni Triangle and it is like taking your life with your own hands. If you really want to visit Iraq you should go to the north of the country, where Kurds are a little less dicey for the adventurous traveler. I doubt if Iraq will ever leave my number one spot.


This country is one of the top most dangerous countries, following the promise of good times to come. A few years ago two Japanese teachers were killed after venturing into the wild southern regions. Many parts of Afghanistan are falling back under the sway of extremists and it is very likely that you will experience its own fair share of terror attacks.


Remember the movie by Ridley Scott, Black Hawk Down? It is a movie that bought the ugly conflict in Somalia for mainstream viewing. It is also good to mention that they have no central government and that has been happening since 1991. Somalia is a nice country but if you are planning to travel there, I suggest that you hire your own heavily armed guards. Daily rates for the guards vary from a couple of hundred bucks or several hundred bucks, depending on whom you hire. Failure to do so, may result in death.


Read more in Tips « Top Tips to Plan Your Vacations Yachting Safety » When we hear the name Thailand we usually portray a nice exotic country with wonderful beaches, exotic drinks and a good, cheap nightlife. But that is not the case. But don’t take me wrong, it is not dangerous because of mobs and a high criminal rate (yes, you can find some). It is on the list only because of the Tsunami that hit a few years ago. Hundreds of people died and that made future tourists think twice before they plan to visit this exotic place.


The ongoing tension with the government and rebels is what makes this country one of the most dangerous. Not to mention the government backed genocide. Murder and rapes are the two most common things that one can face in Sudan especially if you are in the area of Darfur. If you want to travel to the north make sure you get travelling permits, but for the south no. One should also mention that the south has finally come to peace after the tireless efforts of the late John Darang.


This country is not dangerous per se, but there are so many elements of danger that it made the top 10 list. A few years ago there was the Bali bombing and also the Tsunami hitting. If you are a journalist you have to be very careful, as usually those are the targeted people.


It does not get many tourists but sometimes journalists are forced to go there and it is a one country that journalists fear the most. A few years ago they captured a school and held hostages just to show how far they can go.

The Palestinian Territories

Despite efforts to make their country better, this country has been doing nothing but going from bad to worse and therefore it makes it a bad place to travel to. A few years ago two people who were there to educate children were captured and later released.


For a lot of years the Lord Resistance Army have made the region a no-go for travelers. The LRA are known for being the most evil, cold blooded murders on the planet. And it is good to mention that they force children to murder their own family members as part of the indoctrination.


Niger is the world’s second most poor country. It is a famine stricken country and there are hundreds of people dying everyday due to malnutrition. The horror is not of being murdered or raped, but it is seeing all these children being starved to death, unless food aid arrives soon.

World’s Top 10 : Best Countries to Visit


The romantic culture and bravado of Italy alone earns a place on this list. Between the wonderful wines and fine dining available throughout the country, this is a vacation that will not disappoint. It is said that two thirds of the world's historical artistic heritage resides in Italy (Spain is a distant second). There are so many sights, but the relaxed culture can also make your visit dolce far niente - essentially doing nothing, an enjoyable one as well.


Being a country and its own continent, Australia truly has everything under one roof. Sydney is one of the world's finest cities with its architecture and fabulous harbor. The Great Barrier Reef is one of the hidden treasures for water lovers. Queensland is a very fine tropics area. Although the Outback has been largely tamed, the allure is still high for visitors and for good reason.


Tourism has been a booming industry in Thailand for a few years now, so the experience one will have visiting the country will be a magnificent one. The country is truly a mix of old and new. The ancient ruins and villages are juxtaposed with the ultra-modern architecture and five-star hotels and dining.


Every region of France offers something unique and very rewarding. The provinces offer great landscapes and inside view into their unique cultures. Paris brings you to a world of art, food and fashion, three staples to the country's heritage. With such a diverse mix of attractions of environments, France can satisfy any traveler's requirements for a fulfilling visit.


While the country is very large in area, the United States does offer everything one could ask for. Tropical locations in Hawaii and Florida, unique landmarks in the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon and Washington D.C, and wonderful cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston. The country would take a long time to explore, but every region offers a different culture and its own set of wonderful sights.


The best part of Japanese culture is the way they have mixed thousands of years of tradition with the modern touches of the 21st century. Tokyo and Osaka are must see cities for their unique characteristics.


Since putting themselves back together, Germany has been a great place to visit and enjoy. The great food and beer are joined by the booming city of Berlin and the wonderful views from the Rhine and Moselle rivers. While the country is still in a transition process, tourists can enjoy the old world culture with a modern twist when in Germany.


There are nine separate regions of England and all are different and intriguing in their own right. The sleepless city of London and the historical Yorkshire are fine places to start your journey. The Northwest region has a variety of sporting events as well as some of the finest rural views you will ever see.


China is going through change right now. You may see the tradition market gathering in town, only to be parted by a BMW slowly traveling down the road. The immense history has remained visible and the 2008 Olympics in Beijing doesn't hurt either. The population growth as well as their stake in the world's business affairs is truly a marvel that can only be appreciated up close and personal.

New Zealand

The country boasts some of the most dramatically different terrain in the world, which matches its spectrum of residents. From rain forests to beaches and fjords to meadows, New Zealand has everything covered. It is an outdoor lovers' dream with the vast recreational opportunities at your fingertips. Bring an extra pair of socks because you will need it on your first or next trip to New Zealand.

Morocco .... traditional country !!!

Situated between the Atlantic and Mediterranean, dominated by the Atlas mountains which rises to over 4000 m and ending in the southern desert, Morocco is a land exposed to the recreational whims of nature, Colors, landforms, climates, landscapes multiple, but also human palette or artistic revealing contrasts.

Land of Islam which are found deeply rooted traditions, Berber and Arab peoples, some 3500 km from its listed are dotted port where history was responsible for the appetites of Western Europe. Morocco to offer in today's cities of mixing influences the rates of which differ greatly between the elevations of windward commercial capitals of the Christian West and the protected land in the Rif Mountains and Atlas ..

In the heart of cities as in each region, pulsate immemorial traditions-traditions which has been grafted on the faith of the Koran, which God gives meaning to the gestures of the everyday. Nevertheless, this Islam began to technological revolutions and changing morality of the late twentieth century, the obscurantism are repelled and old tracks gradually gave way to paved roads.

Despite these developments - in customs as in the comfort of the new resorts -, Morocco still experience this "alien" that has upset many artists such as Delacroix. Stroll in the medina eternal imperial cities, hiking in the high, wild valleys of the Atlas, multiple pleasures offered by nature generous on the ratings but also the experiences that touch the soul to great spaces of the mountain desert ... here there is sometimes a door between the new town and the medieval medina, and the same pencil kohl and coquetry of tradition: there is an integrity and a rich cultural and human experience is measured the simplicity and grandeur of ancient gesture, that of the craftsman at the bottom of the stall, those of the carrier over the narrow streets and disturbing as bottleneck ... or that of anybody who claims offers mint tea as a hand outstretched for peace.

In general, we can say with certainty that all regions of Morocco are entirely a major tourist area for the diversity of attractions consist of beaches, mountains, forests, deserts and various tourist attractions.
These areas include the main tourist cities Moroccan following:

Agadir, Marrakech, Essaouira, Casablanca, Rabat, Fès, Mèknès, Chefchaoun, Tanger, Ouarzazat, Errachidia, Safi, Tiznit, Guelmim, Tan Tan and the southern provinces.

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